Let me get back to you tomorrow
po文清單文章推薦指數: 80 %
關於「Let me get back to you tomorrow」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
- 1will get back to you tomorrow or will update you by tomorrow?
We're leaving now and we'll get back tomorrow morning. I need to get back to Shaffer tomorrow at ...
- 2What to Say When Someone Says, “I'll Get Back to You" - Go ...
Here's how the conversation might go: Gabby: How much are you asking for your property? Seller: H...
- 3"come back to you" 和"get back to you" 的差別在哪裡?
"I'll come back to you." if someone has to leave for a long time, maybe they will say this, it me...
- 4好用句:Let me get back to you on that.
Let me get back to you (on that.)” 是生活及工作上都很常用的句子意思是「我晚一點會(針對那件事)回覆你」 用在當下無法給對方一個肯定的答案或決定 ...
- 5Curious - 英語島
我先確認一下,明天再告訴你好嗎? Let me confirm it and get back to you tomorrow. Is that ok for you? 雖然說要簡化,如果簡化到...